How to authenticate to Hashicorp’s Vault from AWS Lambda using Python and HVAC

Recently I’ve been working on a project that involved using an AWS Lambda to interact with resources that required authentication using secrets. This is a fairly typical problem in cloud engineering and the "modern" approach is to use a secrets management engine to make sure only resources that should have access to specific secrets can get access to them.

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Grokking Helm

I’ve recently had to brush up on Kubernetes rapidly and that’s meant figuring out how Helm works. This has not been helped by the recent release of Helm 3 but I think I’ve got a handle on what Helm is and thought I’d share my thoughts.

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Operationalising Terraform with Jenkins

I started a new role around a year a go at a FinTech startup which has afforded me a level of freedom to implement DevOps practices in a way that wasn’t possible in my last job. One of the first things I wanted to implement was a way of managing our infrastructure as code. I’d like to quickly run through how I achieved this with Terraform, Git and Jenkins. Terraform I’ve looked at before, it’s a product from hashicorp that provides a common language for configuration of infrastructure resources. This makes it perfect for managing cloud deployments.It also makes managing that code base extremely sensitive as incorrect or conflicting changes can cause huge disruption an even irretrievable data loss to production systems.

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